...the absent-minded ramblings of a sometime diva, hyperactive yarn ya-ya.

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Name: Cyndilou :)
Location: Texas, United States

Just a little piece of sunshine and rainbow set free to wreak happiness on the universe.

Friday, March 31, 2006


So starting last night I got in another kick of making these embellished flipflops. Okay, so I had inspiration in the form of someone who saw me wearing a pair I'd made last year and asked very sweetly if I'd make her a pair (for commission, of course). I think she'll probably pick the black on black pair.

When I was at church for an auction to benefit the school, several people saw me working on them and got interested -- so it looks like I may be back in the business of making them. Especially as I got a possible future order for quite a few pair waiting in the wings. Time to get back to work. :)


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